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The Goulburn District Beekeepers Club provides information and assistance to club members and to people interested in beekeeping.

Our members take advantage of informative presentations and talks, meeting other beekeepers, exchanging knowledge, workshops, and social events.


Varroa mite emergency

Click here for DPI Varroa Mite Emergency Information

Alcohol wash to detect varroa mites on bees Click here for video demonstration

Submit your beekeeper Varroa surveillance action results Click here

Information on drone uncapping - click this link Drone-uncapping

Video about Drone uncapping method when checking bee hives for varroa mite


Becoming a member

Join your local beekeeping club and meet bee enthusiasts like yourself.

Learn from skilled beekeepers - Gain practical experience - Ask questions and swap local knowledge - Get involved in club activities - Keep up to date - Sell your honey at club events - Access specialist insurance - Access club library - Enjoy a great hobby!

Click the link more information: JOINING / RENEWING: Goulburn District Beekeepers Club.

The Club is a member of the Amateur Beekeepers Association, see ABA for details.


Beekeeper registration with DPI NSW

Beekeeper registration is compulsory under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015 even if you only have one bee hive. For more information and to register with the Department of Primary Industries click on the following link DPI NSW


Flowers in the garden

Heaven-on-a-stick for honey bees

Growing Beautiful Bee Gardens provides a guide to plants that thrive in the Southern Tablelands and are very attractive to bees. All the plants listed attract native and exotic bee species and assist in their ongoing nutrition and hive health.

This book and others can be purchased in person at our monthly general meetings. For further information please click on the link below.

Growing Beautiful Bee Gardens in the Southern Tablelands of NSW